Kiyu Nishida

ja.   en.

Aloe vera Synthesizer

  • Analog modular synthesizer,Aloe vera
  • publish: 2020-10
  • NxPC.Live vol.46 X 1/2
  • This work was reported at NIME 2020 (The International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression)

  • The Aloe vera Synthesizer is a musical instrument which integrate memristor into analog synthesizer modules. The memristor is a fourth fundamental circuit element theorized by Leon Chua in 1971. It is less familiar than the other three (the resistor, capacitor and inductor). The Aloe vera is one of the materials which shows the property of memristor. In this project, I explore not only the new possibilities of musical expression which arise from integrating the Aloe vera memristor into a circuit of analog synthesizer module, but also the possibilities of expression which arise from collaboration with non human agency.



    Kiyu Nishida,”Untitled”,ICSAF 2019 (Intercollegiate Sonic Arts Festival),Saitama Japan,2019/12
    Kiyu Nishida,Nxpc. Live vol.38 KID×IAMAS,Fukuoka Japan,2019/12
    kiyu & LUDO Takebe, Nxpc. Lab vol.46 X 1/2,岐阜,2020/10

    Kiyu Nishida, Open Studio “Media Creation Foundation 5%4”,Gifu Japan,2020/10
    IAMAS Acoustic Media Creation Lab “Aloe vera Synthesizer”, Ogaki Mini Maker Faire 2020,Gifu Japan,2020/12


    西田騎夕, 城一裕, "バイオメモリスタを用いたモジュラーシンセの開発とそれによる音楽表現の拡張の検討 ", 第40回JSSA先端芸術音楽創作学会 会報 Vol.11 No.3 pp.22–28, 2019/12. pdf

    Kiyu Nishida, “The Modules for Analog Synthesizers Using Aloe vela (L.) Biomemristor”, Kyushu University School of Design Department of Acoustic Bachelor thesis, 2020/1

    K. Nishida and k. jo. Modules for analog synthesizers using aloe verabiomemristor. In R. Michon and F. Schroeder, editors,Proceedings of theInternational Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, pages93–96, Birmingham, UK, July 2020. Birmingham City University. pdf

    西田騎夕, "アロエベラを素材とするバイオメモリスタを用いた アナログシンセサイザーモジュールの検討 ", 第44回JSSA先端芸術音楽創作学会 会報 Vol.13 No.1 pp.40–46, 2021/2. pdf