Kiyu Nishida

ja.   en.


  • processing
  • publish: 2018-09
  • visualization of the filter bubble

    This piece visualizes the filter bubble on Twitter. In Twitter, we follow the person who we like or are interested in. As a result, only the information which we like is shown in our timeline and the other is not.
    Sometimes I see the aggressive opinion from the person who forgot they are in their bubble as if they thought their opinion is a majority, in spite of this filter was created by themselves.
    This piece visualizes such a filter bubble on Twitter.

    This is an interactive piece and needs attendance. If the attendance types their Twitter account, points that express them are shown. People who are getting the same information (follow the same account ) shown in a closed position. In this way, I visualize filter bubbles.
    Also, the relationship of the following is shown to express influencers in the bubble.

    The bubble filter might be able to adapt to real society.

    The filter bubble

    The filter bubble is a new word which suggested in the book, “The Filter Bubble” written by Eli Pariser. It describes the problem in the personalize on the I internet service. For example, a search result of Google or a newsfeed on Facebook is personalized by an algorithm and shows only the information which the user wants to get. Besides, we have no way to know what removes. Such a function is called the “filter bubble.” As a result, users are not able to get the opposite idea, Only the person who has the same idea gather, then they create the isolated community.